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Position Yourself for Success with New Bridge Educational Consulting: College Application Edition Essay Review and Consulting for students from Clark U

Introduction to New Bridge Educational Consulting: Guiding Students in the College Application Process

New Bridge Educational Consulting is a dedicated team of consultants, counselors, writers, artists, teachers, and higher education experts who are committed to guiding students through the college application process. Led by experienced educational consultant Stephanie Bartling, the team collaboratively works with students to help them discover their passions and succeed in the admissions process and beyond.

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Our Team: Committed, Creative, Understanding, Collaborative, Knowledgeable, Trusted, and Forward-Looking

The team at New Bridge Educational Consulting is made up of individuals who are passionate about education and helping students achieve their goals. Each team member brings their unique expertise and perspective to the table, creating a dynamic and supportive environment for students.

Our consultants have years of experience in college admissions and are well-versed in the latest trends and requirements of top universities. They are knowledgeable about various majors, career paths, and extracurricular opportunities, ensuring that students receive well-rounded guidance.

Our counselors provide emotional support and help students navigate the challenges that may arise during the application process. They are empathetic and understanding, and they work closely with students to alleviate stress and build confidence.

In addition to consultants and counselors, we have writers and artists who offer their creative insights. They help students craft compelling essays and showcase their talents through portfolios, ensuring that their applications stand out from the rest.

Our team also includes experienced educators who provide academic guidance and help students map out their educational journeys. They assist with course selection, test preparation, and overall academic planning.

At New Bridge Educational Consulting, we value collaboration and teamwork. Our consultants, counselors, writers, artists, and educators work together to provide holistic support to our students. We believe that by combining our diverse perspectives and expertise, we can offer the best possible guidance.

New Bridge Essay Review: Precise and Individualized Feedback on Style and Content

One of the services offered by New Bridge Educational Consulting is a comprehensive essay review. In this service, professional reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling provide precise and individualized feedback on the style, clarity, and storyline of students’ college application essays.

Our reviewers have extensive experience in the field of writing and editing. They understand what admissions officers are looking for in an essay and can provide valuable insights on how to improve the overall quality of the writing.

During the essay review process, Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling carefully analyze each essay and provide detailed feedback. They offer suggestions for enhancing the structure, strengthening the arguments, and ensuring that the essay effectively communicates the student’s unique voice and experiences.

By availing the essay review service at New Bridge Educational Consulting, students can polish their essays and increase their chances of making a lasting impression on admissions officers.

Benefits of Working with Harry Bauld: Learning from a Professional Writer and Admissions Expert

In addition to the New Bridge team, renowned author Harry Bauld contributes his expertise to the essay coaching process. is widely known for his book “On Writing the College Application Essay,” which has helped countless students navigate the essay writing process.

By working with Harry Bauld, students have the opportunity to learn from a professional writer and admissions expert. He provides valuable advice on how to craft a compelling and authentic essay that reflects the student’s unique personality and experiences.

Harry Bauld’s guidance can help students unlock their creativity, find their storytelling voice, and effectively communicate their motivations and aspirations to admissions officers. His insights are invaluable for students who are aiming to stand out in the competitive college admissions landscape.

Positioning Yourself for Admissions Success with New Bridge Educational Consulting

New Bridge Educational Consulting is dedicated to helping students submit their best essays and position themselves for success in college admissions. Our comprehensive approach, experienced team, and collaboration with industry experts ensure that students receive the guidance and support they need throughout the application process.

By working with New Bridge, students from Clark U can access our essay review service, benefit from the expertise of our team members, and position themselves for admissions success.

How can New Bridge Educational Consulting help with the college application process?

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers comprehensive guidance and support throughout the college application process. Our team of experts helps students discover their passions, craft compelling essays, and navigate the complexities of college admissions.

What is the essay review service offered by New Bridge Educational Consulting?

The essay review service at New Bridge Educational Consulting provides precise and individualized feedback on the style and content of students’ college application essays. Professional reviewers analyze each essay and offer suggestions for improvement to enhance the overall quality of the writing.

How does working with Harry Bauld benefit students?

Working with Harry Bauld, renowned author of “On Writing the College Application Essay,” provides students with valuable insights on crafting compelling essays. ’s expertise as a professional writer and admissions expert can help students effectively communicate their unique experiences and stand out in the college admissions process.

How can New Bridge Educational Consulting help students from Clark U?

Students from Clark U can benefit from New Bridge Educational Consulting’s essay review service and the expertise of our team members. By availing our services, students can position themselves for success in the college admissions process.

“All the world is not a stage; it’s an audience, and it dearly loves a story.”
– Harry Bauld, On Writing the College Application Essay

Facts about New Bridge Educational Consulting:

  • New Bridge Educational Consulting is dedicated to helping students succeed in the college admissions process.
  • The team consists of consultants, counselors, writers, artists, teachers, and higher education experts.
  • Stephanie Bartling leads the team at New Bridge Educational Consulting.
  • The essay review service provides precise feedback on style and content.
  • Harry Bauld, author of “On Writing the College Application Essay,” contributes his expertise to the process.

For more information, visit New Bridge Educational Consulting.

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