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Mapping Your College Application Journey with New Bridge Educational Consulting Essay Review and Consulting for students from Harvard

Introduction to New Bridge Educational Consulting: Guiding Students in the College Application Process

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New Bridge Educational Consulting is committed to helping students navigate the complex college application process with ease. With a team of dedicated consultants, counselors, writers, artists, teachers, and higher education experts, New Bridge offers comprehensive guidance to students in discovering their passions and excelling in the admissions process and beyond. Led by Stephanie Bartling, an experienced educational consultant, the team at New Bridge is equipped with the knowledge and expertise to guide students towards their dream colleges.

Our Team: Committed, Creative, Understanding, Collaborative, Knowledgeable, Trusted, and Forward-Looking

At New Bridge Educational Consulting, our team comprises individuals who are not just knowledgeable about the college admissions process but also passionate about guiding students towards their goals. Our committed consultants work closely with students to understand their unique interests, talents, and aspirations. We believe in fostering a collaborative environment where students can freely express themselves and receive personalized advice tailored to their specific needs.

We understand that the college application process can be overwhelming, which is why our team is dedicated to providing a supportive and understanding environment for students. Our consultants are not just experts in their field but also empathetic listeners who aim to alleviate the stress and anxiety associated with college applications.

Furthermore, our team consists of creative writers and artists who help students effectively showcase their personalities and accomplishments through their application materials. With their assistance, students can present themselves in a compelling and authentic manner, giving colleges a glimpse into their unique stories and experiences.

New Bridge Essay Review: Precise and Individualized Feedback on Style and Content

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers a comprehensive essay review service aimed at helping students strengthen their college application essays. Our professional reviewers, Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, provide precise and individualized feedback on style, clarity, and storyline.

With years of experience in the field of education and college admissions, Linda and Stephanie possess a deep understanding of what admission committees look for in essays. They offer invaluable insights and suggestions to improve the overall quality of the essays, ensuring that students effectively convey their stories, passions, and aspirations.

Our essay review service is highly personalized, taking into consideration each student’s unique voice and background. We understand the importance of maintaining authenticity in college application essays, and our reviewers provide guidance on how to strike the right balance between storytelling and highlighting academic achievements. Through our essay review service, students can refine their essays and maximize their chances of standing out in the highly competitive admissions process.

Benefits of Working with Harry Bauld: Learning from a Professional Writer and Admissions Expert

As part of our essay coaching process, New Bridge Educational Consulting collaborates with renowned author Harry Bauld, known for his book “On Writing the College Application Essay.” With his expertise in writing and college admissions, Harry Bauld adds tremendous value to the essay review and consulting services offered by New Bridge.

By working with Harry Bauld, students gain insights into the writing process from a professional writer’s perspective. They learn how to craft compelling narratives, sharpen their storytelling skills, and make their essays stand out. ’s wealth of knowledge and experience in the college admissions field ensures that students receive guidance that goes beyond the conventional advice.

Additionally, Harry Bauld’s book, “On Writing the College Application Essay,” serves as a valuable resource for students throughout their college application journey. It provides them with practical tips, examples, and exercises to help them hone their writing skills and create impactful essays.

Positioning Yourself for Admissions Success with New Bridge Educational Consulting

At New Bridge Educational Consulting, our ultimate goal is to help students position themselves for success in college admissions. We believe that every student has a unique story to tell and deserves the opportunity to showcase their strengths and potential.

By working with our experienced team and utilizing our essay review and consulting services, students can submit their best essays and enhance their chances of gaining admission to their dream colleges. Our comprehensive approach to college admissions guidance ensures that students receive personalized support at every stage of the application process.

By partnering with New Bridge Educational Consulting, students from Harvard and beyond can embark on their college application journey with confidence, knowing that they have a trusted and knowledgeable team guiding them towards their goals.

Ready to take the next steps on your college application journey? Contact New Bridge Educational Consulting to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your dreams.

Useful Links:

  1. Essay Review Service Inquiry
  2. Our Services
  3. IEC and Counselor Services
  4. Harry Bauld Select Essay Review
  5. Contact Us
  6. New Bridge Educational Consulting
  7. About New Bridge

Is New Bridge Educational Consulting only for students from Harvard?

No, New Bridge Educational Consulting is open to students from all backgrounds and universities. Our team is dedicated to guiding students from various institutions through the college application process and helping them achieve their goals.

What is the role of Harry Bauld in the essay coaching process?

Harry Bauld, a renowned author and admissions expert, contributes his expertise to the essay coaching process. Students working with New Bridge Educational Consulting have the opportunity to learn from his vast experience in writing and college admissions, gaining valuable insights to improve their essays.

“All the world is not a stage; it’s an audience, and it dearly loves a story.” – Harry Bauld, On Writing the College Application Essay

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